Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
$20 Prepaid Mastercard #Giveaway
I Am Giving Away a $20 Prepaid Mastercard Gift Card
As a thank you for being a faithful follower of this blog and my YouTube Channel. I am doing another giveaway. One lucky reader will receive a $20 Prepaid Mastercard Gift Card.
As a thank you for being a faithful follower of this blog and my YouTube Channel. I am doing another giveaway. One lucky reader will receive a $20 Prepaid Mastercard Gift Card.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
YouTuber Snapchat Names 2015
Here’s a list I’ve compiled randomly of YouTuber's Snapchat names. I will add to the list when I learn more! :D
Philip Defranco: philipdefranco
Catherine Valdes: yourfavoritecat
Hank Green: hankgre
Philip Defranco: philipdefranco
Steve Zaragoza: stevezaragoza
William Haynes: whilliamhaynes
Sam Pepper: sampepper
Caspar Lee: casparlee1994
Meg Turney: megturney
Olga Kay: realolgakay
Alfie Deyes: itsalfiedeyes
Joey Graceffa: joeygraceffa16
Damon Fizzy: damonfizzy
Alfie Deyes: itsalfiedeyes
Joey Graceffa: joeygraceffa16
Damon Fizzy: damonfizzy
Blake Murphy: mrbmurphy
Ricky Dillon: ricky.dillon
Connor Franta: theconnorfranta
Jc Caylen: chamclouder
Kian Lawley: kianlawley
Trevor Moran: trevormoran
Marcus Butler: themarcusbutler
Joe Sugg: thatcherjoe
Jim Chapman: jimchapman
Sawyer Hartman: sawyerhartman
FunForLouis: Funforlouis
Beau Brooks: Beaupbrooks
James Yammouni: jamyamm
Daniel Sahyounie: Dsahyounie
VeeOneEye: veeoneeye
Thatsojack: jackmtthw
Mazzi Maz: mazzi_maz
Lohanthony: aanthoony
Cameron Dallas: camerondallas
Oli White: oliwhite1
Sam Pottorff: sampottorff
Carter Reynolds: itsmrcarterr
Beautybaby44: Beautybaby
Dominic DeAngelis: domsuckmybomb
Kevin Droniak: kdron64
Matthew Lush: MatthewLush
Devon Battilega: devon_snaps
Jesse Wellens: jessepvp
RJ (TheNotAdam): rj4gui4r
Bart Baker: realbartbaker
Clintus McGintus: clintus
Ricky Dillon: ricky.dillon
Connor Franta: theconnorfranta
Jc Caylen: chamclouder
Kian Lawley: kianlawley
Trevor Moran: trevormoran
Marcus Butler: themarcusbutler
Joe Sugg: thatcherjoe
Jim Chapman: jimchapman
Sawyer Hartman: sawyerhartman
FunForLouis: Funforlouis
Beau Brooks: Beaupbrooks
James Yammouni: jamyamm
Daniel Sahyounie: Dsahyounie
VeeOneEye: veeoneeye
Thatsojack: jackmtthw
Mazzi Maz: mazzi_maz
Lohanthony: aanthoony
Cameron Dallas: camerondallas
Oli White: oliwhite1
Sam Pottorff: sampottorff
Carter Reynolds: itsmrcarterr
Beautybaby44: Beautybaby
Dominic DeAngelis: domsuckmybomb
Kevin Droniak: kdron64
Matthew Lush: MatthewLush
Devon Battilega: devon_snaps
Jesse Wellens: jessepvp
RJ (TheNotAdam): rj4gui4r
Bart Baker: realbartbaker
Clintus McGintus: clintus
Logan Mckay: loganmckay55
Alfie Deyes: itsalfiedeyes
Zoella: offcialzoella
Lia Marie Johnson: dappyhaysZoella: offcialzoella
Catherine Valdes: yourfavoritecat
Hank Green: hankgre
Jack Douglass: realjackfilms
Toby Turner: chatbuscus
Harley Morenstein: harleyplays
Casey Neistat: caseyneistat
Lisa Schwartz: officiallisbug
Jenna Marbles: jennakermarbles
Lilly Singh: iisuperwomanii
Anthony Padilla: anth0nypadilla
Ian Hecox: ianhecoxsnaps
Tyler Oakley: snaptyleroakley
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Bates Motel and brownies
Today I donate books. Shelly makes brownies and we watch Bates Motel.
Bates Motel,
Monday, March 9, 2015
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Friday, March 6, 2015
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Monday, March 2, 2015
Sunday, March 1, 2015
How to make rock candy
Today we make Rock candy (also called rock sugar) is a type of confectionery mineral composed of relatively large sugar crystals. This candy is formed by allowing a supersaturated solution of sugar and water to crystallize onto a surface suitable for crystal nucleation, such as a string, stick, or plain granulated sugar. Heating the water before adding the sugar allows more sugar to dissolve thus producing larger crystals. Crystals form after 6–7 days. Food coloring may be added to the mixture to produce colored candy.
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