Canadian comedian Nicole Arbour of “Dear Fat People” went on “The View” today to defend her pro-fat-shaming video, and the co-hosts were — to put it mildly — none too impressed with her defenses.
After playing a clip of “Dear Fat People,” Whoopi Goldberg asked Arbour whether she even understands why people found her video offensive.
“What I find most offensive about that video is my hair. Frankly, if I knew it would go viral,” she was saying when Goldberg cut her off. “You’re here, this is your shot,” she said, “so did you expect to offend people?”
Arbour replied that she did, because that’s her shtick. She added that she only made the video because “fat people” in her audience felt left out of her vlogging. “That topic was actually voted in by fans,” she said, “some of whom are fat.”
Joy Behar noted that as a comic, it’s one thing to make fun of yourself and your own failings, another to upbraid others for theirs. “I’m a comic,” she said, “so if I’m going to make a joke about a fat person, I’m going to call myself ‘fat’ first. That’s your problem — you’re not fat.”
Arbour repeatedly claimed that her video was satire, but co-panelist Michelle Collins couldn’t see it. When asked “Where is the satire?” Arbour wasn’t able to formulate a coherent answer. That shouldn’t be too surprising, as satire requires an object to be satirized, and Arbour’s comedy — at least in this case — lacked one.
Canadian actress and Youtuber Nicole Arbour’s viral video “Dear Fat People,” which critics have labeled as “fat shaming,” has reportedly cost her her job in an upcoming movie.
In a statement to Zap2it, the movie’s director, Pat Mills, explained that “Don’t Talk About Irene” was a “body-positive teen dance movie” and questioned whether Arbour had even read the script.
Mills told the publication that there is a difference between talking about people who are overweight and making “cruel and lame” impositions about a certain demographic. He said:
“[‘Dear Fat People’] is an unfunny and cruel fat-shaming video that guises itself about being about ‘health.’ It’s fat phobic and awful. It went on for over for six minutes. I felt like I had been punched in the gut. I was so upset I was shaking like Shelley DuVall in the ‘The Shining’.”
The director understands the plight of those who are bullied. He said:
“I’m gay. I was bullied a lot as a kid. I am no stranger to ridicule and loneliness.”
Mills furthered that statements like Arbour’s in her video affect the way people live their lives, which is why he created “Don’t Talk to Irene” in the first place. He said:
“[The movie] is about a 16-year-old girl who dreams of being a cheerleader, but she is constantly bullied for being fat. She learns that she doesn’t have to change anything about herself to be awesome because she already is.
“Bullies like Nicole Arbour are the reason I am making this movie. I’m tired of body shaming. It’s everywhere.”
Mills ended his statement with:
“Nicole: Did you even read my script? It is a body positive teen movie. It has a message that is in direct opposition to your cruel and lame YouTube rant. We will not be working together. You are not hired for ‘Don’t Talk to Irene.’ ”
For her part, Arbour seemed to deny that she was ever attached to Mills’ movie in the first place:
I'm not currently, nor have I been attached to any feature films as of late. 😉 #gossip
Nicole Arbour earned a heated reaction for her “Dear Fat People” YouTube video, and apparent censorship on the part of YouTube.
The YouTube personality posted the six-minute-long video to her page on Thursday, Aug. 3. In it, the Canadian comedian used humor and “trolling” to try to inspire overweight people to lose weight. With over 700,000 views, the video upset a number of people, including vlogger Meghan Tonjes.
Several days later, Arbour’s YouTube channel was temporarily shut down. Technically the video doesn’t break any of YouTube’s guidelines. She took to Twitter on Sunday to complain about the apparent censorship.
“We literally broke the Internet … With comedy,” Arbour writes.
“Wow, I’m the first comedian in the history of @YouTube to be #censored There are graphic videos about murder and torture, but satire is [speak no evil emoji],” she continues.
After CNN reported on Arbour’s channel being suspended, she noticed that it was reinstated but without her videos. As of press time, the videos have been returned to her YouTube page. She then added a new video called “Most Offensive Video EVER.”
Everyone can agree that being overweight is no laughing matter — but where society’s views go from there, apparently, is a matter of opinion.
A YouTube battle began Thursday (Aug. 3) between Canadian comedian Nicole Arbour and vlogger Meghan Tonjes, both posting videos to their significant number of followers. Arbour hoped to use comedy to convince fat people to lose weight; Tonjes argued that shaming people into weight loss is cruel and ineffective. Soon, insults were being exchanged and tears were flowing.
“Dear fat people …” begins Arbour in her post. “Argh! Some people are already mad at this video!”
Admitting that she’s trolling, Arbour falls back on humor as justification for the outrage she clearly expects: “What are you gonna do, fat people? Are you gonna chase me?”
“Fat-shaming is not a thing. Fat people made that up,” Arbour explains. “That’s the race card, with no race.”
In between her comments, Arbour goes off on various tangents aimed at comedic effect; the linchpin of her video, however, is a story about people she calls “The Fat Family” that inconvenienced her at the airport.
“If I offend you so much that you lose weight, I’m OK with that,” she says. “You are killing yourself.”
Among those offended was Tonjes, who took to YouTube a few hours later to post an emotional response.
‘Some of you grew up like I did; you’re going to fat camp when you’re 12,” explains Tonjes, tearfully talking about her own experience. “Or you’re cutting yourself because you think that the world would be better without you, and you’ll never be enough. I get that on a very human level.”
“I don’t know why this video — out of all the things that I have seen — is so upsetting to me,” she smiles through her tears. “I’m really upset about the Nicole Arbour video. And not necessarily the video, just the mindset that I find really upsetting, even if it’s done for like ‘satire’ or ‘comedy,’ which it just isn’t.”
“I find it really harmful,” she adds. “A lot of girls … struggle with body-image. Of all different sizes. They really don’t need to hear this s***.”
In Arbour’s video, the comedian justifies her frank comments by claiming to be concerned for those who are overweight.
“I’m talking about the 35 percent of North Americans who are obese,” Arbour quantifies. “That means you are so fat, you are affecting your own health. ‘Big-boned’ isn’t a thing.”
“They forgot to tell you that ‘Plus Size’ stands for plus heart disease, plus knee problems, plus diabetes,” Arbour says. “Plus your family and friends crying because they lost you too soon because you needed to have a Coke plus fries.”
In Tonjes’ response, she calls Arbour’s “Dear Fat People” video “lazy comedy wrapped in health-and-concern trolling, tied in a f****ing privilege bow. It’s so easy to go after fat people, because it takes a lot of time, energy and effort to view people as people, fully-formed people that you have to get to know.”
By the end of her response, however, Tonjes seems to stop the tears and actually come out of all this feeling somewhat empowered.
“YouTube is my therapy in a lot of ways,” she explains. “I get to come on here and talk about things that are in my heart.”
“I just want it to be known: If you watch that video, and you agree, and you don’t view people as complex and nuanced the way that they are please don’t follow me, please don’t comment on my stuff,” Tonjes says with her hands together in a pose of prayer. “Please go find anything else to watch. I’m not here for you.”
Arbour, however, doesn’t seem to be re-thinking her stance. In lieu of another video, the comedian tweeted a message likely aimed at Tonjes: Emojis of crying faces and baby bottles.
Bahhh haha... Watching the girl who trolls me everyday play victim for press... Again 😂😂😂 #thirsty #🍼