Friday, July 31, 2015

Crazy Busy Day

Seems like every day we get just a bit busier, today is April's last day of Dino Camp and she had so much fun! She got to bring home all the stuff she has been working on all week! She had a friend come over to play and then went to gymnastics and then we got home for April's first sleepover in the new house! It was a long day but we all had so much fun!!!

Crazy Busy Day

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Dinner With Grandparents

Today was another busy day, April had Dino camp, followed by play time with her friend, dinner with Lolly & Josephina (Shelly made some amazing stuffed zucchini), gymnastics and then finally ice cream!! It seems that we are always go-go-go lately!

Dinner With Grandparents