Monday, January 5, 2015

Rose Parade 2015 Post Parade Float Viewing

Today we check out the Rose Parade 2015 Post Parade Float Viewing.

Floats from the 2015 Rose Parade.

#12: "Go For Broke" by the City of Alhambra.
#18: "Always Remember" by Odd Fellows & Rebekahs.
#25: "The Bible . . God's Story" by Lutheran Laymen's League.
#27: "A Sikh-American Journey" by United Sikh MIssion.
#36: "50 Years of Inspiring Travel" by Princess Cruises.
#43: "What's your LA Story" by the City of Los Angeles.
#62: "Made Possible by Hope" by the City of Hope.
#65: "Inspiring Challenges" by Lions Club International.
#67: "A Million Stories of Hope and Healing" by Shriners Hospitals for Children.
#74: "Changing Lives Through Clean Water" by Rotary.
#80: "Dream Big: World of Possibility" by Farmers Insurance.
#85: "Bedtime Stories" by Trader Joes.
#93: "100 Years of Inspiring Children" by Kiwanis International.
#28: "A Bright Future" by Singpoli Group.
#77: "The Power of Imagination" by Western Asset Management Company.
#83: "Serving With a Smile" by
#90: "To The Rescue" by La Cañada.
#24: "Rhythm of Hawaii" by Dole Packaged Foods.
#63: "Still Winning" by the City of South Pasadena.
#08: "Building Dreams of Friendship" by Honda.
#88: "Jungle Rescue" by the City of Burbank.
#81: "I Think I Can" by Sierra Madre.
#73: "Inspiring Potential" by Northwestern Mutual NCAA.
#50: "Inspiring a Beautiful World" by Kiehl's.
#60: "Together We Thrive" by Kaiser Permanente.
#69: "Protecting Global Health" by AIDS Healthcare Foundation.
#92: "Soaring Stories" by Cal Poly Universities.
#15" "A Race Well Run" by the City of Torrance.
#31: "Inspiring Grace of Cloud Gate" by China Airlines.
#40: "Home for the Holidays" by Downey Rose Float Association.
#45: "Inspiring Love" by ABC's the Bachelor.
#47: "Celebrating Greatness" by Northwestern Mutual.
#41: "Life Starts Here" by Scotts Miracle-Gro.
#34: "Cradle of Civilization" by American-Armenian Rose Float Assoc.
#38: 2015 Royal Court.
#48: University of Oregon.
#55: Florida State University.

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